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Welcome Benefits Advisors

you want the best for your clients

As a caring advisor, you want to help your clients achieve sustainable benefit programs, that stand apart and promote employee wellbeing. 


You've worked hard to earn their trust, and you're committed to seeing them succeed. 

Today's clients are creative, well-informed, and exploring new ways of enhancing their plan's value.  So they may suggest benefits projects outside your firm's standard offering.

Business Meeting
Image by Peter Jones

you want to help but ...

If you say "yes",

it may not be cost -- or time -- efficient to create a solution for one client. 


You may worry that creating something new from the ground up won't meet your client's timeline, or your high standard for quality. Especially if your team's resources are already committed.

If you say "no",

the client may look elsewhere for help, putting your valued relationship at risk.


The truth is, an advisor can't be everything to every client.  Advisors of all sizes struggle with supporting unique requests, in an industry competing to win and retain clients.

Or perhaps you've designed a great new plan, 

strategy, or carrier transition that will be a good fit for your client. 


But when it's time for the client to navigate leadership approval, internal coordination, implementation, and communication, the project stalls.

Business meeting

there just aren't enough hours in a week

You see your client set aside benefits projects that could have a positive impact tomorrow, to focus on more urgent needs today. 
And losing momentum.

if only there was...

a partner with the experience to hit the ground running

a partner who's flexible to take on as much (or as little) of the project as you need

a partner you can trust to join this special relationship and complement your team

a partner who shares your passion for your client's success

Introducing experienced tailored collaboration

Introducing project-based support to achieve your clients' employee benefits goals

Introducing  bespoke benefit solutions

that's where we come in

Image by Tirza van Dijk

a fresh new approach

bespoke benefit solutions  brings a new style of collaboration, a new approach in our industry.  


We offer project-based support that adapts to fit you & your clients -- to fit the gaps, goals, and budget.  For as much (or as little) of the project as you need.


We bring additional resources or expertise you need to support your clients' unique employee benefits initiatives, helping you retain clients and compete for new business.  


We respect the history you've built with your clients -- you know where they've been and want to go, challenges they're facing, and opportunities for success.


We collaborate to complement -- not duplicate or disrupt -- these special relationships.


We understand you're selective in who you introduce to your clients, as it reflects on you.  


With our extensive experience in small, medium, & large consulting firms and in managing complex national benefit programs, we bring knowledge, creativity, and a
proven track-record.

Your clients are in good hands.

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committed to your client's success

bespoke benefit solutions logo

At bespoke benefit solutions, we're committed to helping companies have benefit programs they're proud of, with employees who understand, value, and appreciate these programs.

be challenged


From years of experience with diverse employers and plans, we'll bring fresh ideas and perspectives that could drive more impact from your client's goals.

be supported


We'll be alongside you and your team through the project, looking forward to celebrating success together.

be heard


We want to learn what makes your client unique and special, what they want to achieve, and the milestones they've set to get there.

now that you know more about us,
could a
bespoke approach be exactly what you need?

Here are some ways we help clients like yours enhance their ability to attract, retain, and care for their valued employees:  ​


  • Designing & delivering employee benefits surveys, focus groups, roundtables​


  • Educating employees (in simple & engaging language) on the benefit program
    (what's covered, how to make choices, how to access services).   Designing & delivering in-person, virtual, or pre-recorded education sessions​​


  • Championing or supporting plan launches, transitions (new insurer, acquisitions / divestitures) or flex annual enrollment


  • Collaborating on wellness & mental health initiatives


  • Developing benefits strategies or documenting benefits processes


These are just examples -- we'd love to learn about your clients' goals and how we could help accomplish the benefits projects on their list.

Book your complimentary Discovery Call today!

some ideas to get you started


The pride and confidence of seeing your client accomplish a benefit program that stands apart and shows employees they care.

Let's work together to achieve their vision!

Image by Christina @
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