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Welcome HR/Benefits Teams

you have a vision

Like many progressive employers, you have goals for your employee benefit program -- goals you know can showcase your company as an employer of choice, drive results, and show your employees you care.

but you wish you had help

imagining a better future

You wear a lot of hats -- your benefit program is just one.

At times you must set aside employee benefits projects that could have a positive impact tomorrow, to focus on more urgent needs today.

press when full

there just aren't enough hours in a week

Or you may hear feedback that your benefits are falling behind, and unsure if spending more will increase employee satisfaction.


But employees can only appreciate their benefits if they know about them, how to access them, and how they protect the wellbeing of themselves and their family.

Do employees understand

the coverage they have today?


How can we make it easier for them? 


How can we learn which benefits they value more or less?

Image by Simone Secci

Your benefits advisor may have designed a great new plan or strategy for you.  Or maybe you're onboarding a newly acquired division or moving to a new insurer.


You're expected to become a benefits expert quickly, to navigate leadership approval, internal coordination, implementation, and communication -- while juggling other priorities.

if only you had...

a partner who's flexible to take on as much (or as little) of the project as you need

a partner who can hit the ground running, complementing the resources you have

a partner who cares and shares your passion for success

Introducing experienced tailored collaboration

Introducing project-based support to achieve your employee benefits goals

Introducing  bespoke benefit solutions

that's where we come in

fresh new approach

A new style of collaboration, different from traditional benefits advisors. 


Project-based support that adapts to fit you -- your gaps, goals, and budget.  For as much (or as little) of your employee benefits project as you need.


Complementing -- not duplicating -- resources you already have.


Have a good relationship with a benefits advisor today?  That's great!   
We don't want to disrupt or duplicate this partnership.  We'll work
alongside your existing partners who know your history, where you want to go, challenges you're facing, and opportunities for success.

a fresh new approach

committed to your success

bespoke benefit solutions logo

At bespoke benefit solutions, we're committed to helping companies have benefit programs they're proud of, with employees who understand, value, and appreciate these programs.

be heard


We want to learn what makes your organization unique and special, what you want to achieve, and the milestones you've set to get there.

be challenged


From years of experience with diverse employers and plans, we'll bring forward fresh ideas and perspectives that could drive more impact from your goals.

be supported


We'll be alongside you and your team through the project, looking forward to celebrating your success.

now that you know more about us,
could a
bespoke approach be exactly what you need?

getting started

Do you have benefits projects you've set aside, that you want to accomplish but don't have time or resources?


Or not sure where to start?


Do you need someone to take on part of a project, but others are quoting the whole initiative?


Or need someone who's flexible to lead the project, or complement the team?



Does your benefits advisor specialize in other areas but not this one? 


Or they're focused on other priorities for you?

data-driven decisions

Do you want to better understand your employees' perspectives, to drive better decisions for the future of your benefit program?


Here are some ways we help people-focused companies like yours enhance their ability to attract, retain, and care for your valued employees:  ​


  • Designing & delivering employee benefits surveys, focus groups, roundtables​


  • Educating employees (in simple & engaging language) on your benefit program
    (what's covered, how to make choices, how to access services).   Designing & delivering in-person, virtual, or pre-recorded education sessions​​


  • Championing or supporting plan launches, transitions (new insurer, acquisitions / divestitures) or flex annual enrollment


  • Collaborating on wellness & mental health initiatives


  • Developing benefits strategies or documenting benefits processes


These are just examples -- we'd love to learn about your goals and how we could help you accomplish the benefits projects on your list. 

Book your complimentary Discovery Call today!

some ideas to get you started


The pride and confidence of accomplishing a benefit program that stands apart and shows your employees you care.

Let's work together to achieve your vision!

Image by Helena Lopes
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